Mains controller for multiple genset applications with mains circuit breaker management
The centralization of the start/stop commands towards the generators.
An internal synchronizer with voltage, frequency and phase differences control.
The centralized management of active power setpoints for the generators, to allow the gradual transfer of the loads with a specifiable rate.
The centralized management of power factor setpoints for the generators, when operating in parallel with the mains.
The production in parallel to mains at fixed power (BASE LOAD), with the power setpoint for the generators settable by parameter or by analogue input.
The production in parallel to mains at variable power (IMPORT EXPORT, variable production on the generators to guarantee a fixed power on the mains), with power setpoint for the mains settable by parameter or by analogue input.
The loss of mains protections (interface protections), to isolate the generators from the mains in case of failure on the mains itself.
The LOAD SHEDDING function (non-priority loads disconnection), with 4 available levels.
The PEAK SHAVING and PEAK LOPPING functions (start of generators due to excessive consumption of the loads from the mains).
Taking advantage of the internal calendar clock (with rechargeable backup battery):
Periodical genset's start-up with programmable rate, in order to verify their efficiency (this test can be done without load, in parallel to the mains or in island mode by transferring the loads from the mains to the generators).
Selectable days and time intervals in which the generators must never be started.
Selectable days and time intervals in which the generators must be started even if the mains is present.