InteliGen NTC BaseBox 400Hz
Order code: IG-NTC-BB 400Hz
InteliGen NTC BaseBox 400Hz a controller with a broad range of communication capabilities for single or multiple diesel gen-sets, operating in stand-by or parallel mode. Intended primarily for land aircraft operations running at 400 Hz frequency, this controller will ensure secure remote monitoring of your sites.
Control your land aircraft operations safely and easily with our InteliGen NTC BaseBox 400Hz controller, ensuring greater safety, user protection and minimal downtime.
The InteliGen NTC BaseBox 400Hz offers:
- AirGate 2.0 for easy connection to your equipment remotely, without worrying for about your asset’s IP address
- Built-in PLC interpreter helping with the use of ComAp's free PLC Editor
- User-defined protections and setpoints on top of default protection
- Controller redundancy minimising solution downtime and ensuring the power isn’t compromised
- More precise measuring with a True Root Mean Square measurement feature
- Remote control and monitoring of your gen-set operations with WebSupervisor, our cloud-based fleet management tool
- Compatible load/Var sharing and power management with other ComAp solutions
- Droop regulation allowing load and Var sharing when the inter-controller’s communication is lost
- Start-up synchronisation to minimise the paralleling start sequence time and get the gen-set system up and running with the minimum possible delay
- Dynamic spinning reserve helping to deliver maximum amount of available energy from photovoltaics *
- Faster and cost-effective operations with signal sharing over a CAN bus across a group of control units
- Possibility to have a mains application in a gen-set controller with firmware upload functions
- Event-based history for fast and easy troubleshooting
- Automatic Mains Failure that ensures automatic start of gen-sets and minimises downtime
- Peak shaving for limiting the import from the mains (e.g. due to higher prices)
- Load shedding ensuring the most important loads are running even when there is a lack of power
- Compatible with the following remote displays
- InteliVision 5
- InteliVision 8
- InteliVision 18Touch
* Feature available with a software key.